
My Bestselling Study Guides


My Bestselling Study Guides

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What do Teachers Say About the Programme?

The teaching box contains everything a teacher needs to teach preschool children. It means I don‘t have to buy, search for and download random materials that I would have to assemble myself. Instead, I simply take the Smartie box and go to the kindergarten to teach.

Adéla Vejvodová, English Teacher

There are many advantages of the programme. They are complete lessons including corresponding materials of all kinds. The children are not confused by it and everything builds up nicely. The connection through the characters is also useful, because children still see something familiar.

Anna Uhrinová, English Teacher

The materials with various games, their explanations and the materials themselves (pexeso, flashcards,

puzzles, songs, textbooks) helped a lot to construct the lessons. The kids loved the games and we could use them repeatedly to teach different topics.

Barbora Slawichová , English Teacher